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Empowering entertainment made for women
The Journey Up - A Collection
In this hilarious collection of short films and edutainment videos, women struggle to overcome challenges while on their journey to success.
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Dreams vs Opposition
A woman decides to reach for her dreams and inevitably comes face to face with Opposition.
The Nightmare
A struggling author wakes up in the middle of the night and encounters terrifying women who point out her flaws.
Giving Up
A fashion designer decides to give up after years of rejection. Shortly after this decision, two women show up at her door eager to assist her with the process of giving up. And it's not pretty.
The Life Coach
A struggling life coach finds herself in an embarrassing situation that causes her to question her path.
Focus on Solutions
Here's what you can do the next time you're facing a problem.
Take Daily Action
Congrats! You've got a vision for your future. Here's how you can remain in action toward your goals.
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